Participation in conferences




June 2014

2nd International Conference Spaces of art and health

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Invited speaker: “The Arts and Deinstitutionalizing Practices in Health and Education”.

May 2014

ERASMUS project for undergraduate students of Social Education from different European countries.

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)

Workshop: “Art Therapy. Personal Roots and Migrations”.

April 2014

Conference: Ethnicity, between expulsion and imprisonment. The liminality of art as a form of resistance.Study group Primer Acceso [First Access], Barcelona

Workshop: “Art Therapy and Migrations” (about cultural roots and migrations).

March 2014

Presentation of the catalog No nos cabe tanta muerte [We will not accept so much death anymore; against the feminicide in Northern Mexico], Art Center Roca Umbert, Granollers (Barcelona)/ Universidad Iberoamericana, Puebla, Mexico (simultaneous video conference).
