Art therapy is a therapeutic technique through which the patient communicates by making use of artistic materials which facilitate reflection and the expression of internal conflicts. It is an approach especially positively indicated for people who, by virtue of their illness or for other reasons, have difficulties verbally articulating their conflicts.

In some countries art therapy is still a relatively new discipline. However, in others art therapists are well-established in teams of multidisciplinary professionals within public and private institutions.

This book explores the confluence of art, psychiatry, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. It situates this exploration within the context of the history and development of art therapy as an academic discipline. It starts with an introduction to the theory of art therapy, examines its psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic bases, outlines the different methods it employs and provides an overview of the approaches of some of the best known art therapists. Then, through the use of clinical material, it explains the use of artistic materials, central to this approach, and their different applications. All sections of the book come with a thorough bibliography which opens up the relationship with related disciplines.

This book is probably the most rigorous and complete exploration in Spanish of the relationship between art and therapy.
